MILSOB is a program for generating random, military-style sobriquets.

For example, if someone creates an airplane they need to give it a name, which could be "F-16 Fighting Falcon". That's "code + adjective + singular noun." Or if they create a team they might call it the "Blue Angels". That's "adjective + plural noun." Those are MILSOBs.

You can generate names for things ("X-77 Hornbill"), teams ("Shadow Hogs"), or titles ("Adjunct Overlord"). Refresh for more names.

The ?format= query parameter controls the words generated:

Format Meaning Example
a Adjective fighting
s Singular noun falcon
p Plural noun leathernecks
t Title deputy
l Prefix assistant …
r Suffix … of the left

Adding a ?count=<NUMBER> parameter changes how many MILSOBs are generated. Adding a ?code=1 parameter adds a code prefix (e.g. "F-16").